Come in anytime and we'll make a jelly or 2 or 9! You just have to know how to crochet. This is for someone who already crochets. Beginning crochet is a different class.
Use any variegated yarn for a colorful jelly or pale watery colors for a differnet kind of jelly.We have examples in the shop window. Free Jelly class with purchase of yarn.
Mama Lisa,knitting for your enjoyment! She even has a bun! We are promoting knitting of any kind not just ole lady knitting like Lisa. She did knitting theater all First Friday.
Cayman,grandson, and new Tigerlily kitty at The Purl District. She's in and out because right now she's more tiger than lily. Lisa Jorgensen brought her in the shop and I confiscated her for my own! She plays in the window and terrorizes Rusty in between naps.
Just a beginning here in this picture but the whole post is covered now!
Silverton's penny parking meters are the only ones left in the USA. Once these are broken there are no more parts and digital meters are being installed a little at a time. Boo Hoo. Hence, we are decorating them with Yarn Bombs!